Today in History |
On May 31, learn about the most interesting events and historical facts that occurred throughout history. The Gregorian calendar’s 151st day is May 31st. On this day in 1998, the astroid QE2 zipped by the planet, becoming the closest asterroid in two centuries; the last of more than 15 million Ford Model Ts rolls off the assembly line; and the RMS Titanic sets sail from Belfast, Ireland.
Gemini is the zodiac sign for May 31. Walt Whitman and Brooke Shields, for example, were born on May 31st. Today is World No Tobacco Day and National Macaroon Day. (May 31, 2008) (May 31, 2009) (Died on May 31, 2016)
With a wind-legal (+1.7 m/s) time of 9.72 seconds, Usain Bolt smashes the world record in the 100m sprint.
Millvina Dean died in Southampton, England, the last known survivor of the Titanic catastrophe in 1912. She was nine weeks old at the time of the accident.
Rupert Neudeck, German journalist and humanitarian (b. 1939).
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