
January 31: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

Learn about the most intriguing events and historical facts that occurred on January 31 throughout history. The Gregorian calendar’s thirty-first day is January 31st. On this day, President Harry Truman of the United States unveiled a programme to create the hydrogen bomb; NBC broadcasted the first daytime soap opera, “These Are My Children,” and Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Union.

Aquarius is the zodiac sign for the 31st of January. Jackie Robinson, Kerry Washington, and Justin Timberlake all have famous birthdays. National Hot Chocolate Day is observed on January 31st.


(January 31, 1606)
Guy Fawkes, one of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators who attempted to blow up Parliament and assassinate King James I for his mistreatment of Roman Catholics, was executed in London on this day in 1606.


(January 31, 1958)
Explorer 1 was the United States' first artificial space satellite, signifying the country's entry into the space race.

(January 31, 1966)
Luna 9, the first spacecraft to land softly on the Moon, was launched by the Soviet Union.

(January 31, 1981)
Justin Timberlake was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and rose to fame as a member of the enormously successful "boy band" *NSYNC before embarking on a solo career.

(Died on January 31, 2018)
Leah LaBelle, American singer (b. 1986).

(January 31, 2020)
More than three years after the country voted for "Brexit," the United Kingdom formally exited the European Union.

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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January 21: Fun Facts about Today in History

February 01: Fun Facts about Today in History