
May 16: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

On May 16, learn about the most interesting events and historical facts from across history. The 136th day of the Gregorian calendar is May 16th. On this day, Queen Elizabeth addressed the United States Congress for the first time; the first Academy Awards were given out; and President Andrew Johnson was acquitted of impeachment by a single vote in the United States Senate.

Taurus is the zodiac sign for May 16th. Janet Jackson and Liberace were both born on May 16th. It’s National Mimosa Day today.


(May 16, 1943)
On this day in 1943, Nazi troops put down the month-long Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, in which Polish Jews commanded by Mordecai Anielewicz and the Jewish Fighting Organization fought deportation to Treblinka.


(May 16, 1955)
Olga Korbut, a Soviet gymnast who enthralled audiences with her attractiveness, youth, and petite size at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, West Germany, where she won three gold medals, was born in Belorussia (now Belarus).

(May 16, 1966)
Pet Sounds, a melancholy pastiche of songs reflecting the pangs of unrequited love and other coming-of-age experiences, was released by the American rock group the Beach Boys.

(May 16, 1975)
The first woman to reach the peak of Mount Everest was Tabei Junko of Japan, who was accompanied by Ang Tsering of Nepal.

(May 16, 1986)
Top Gun, an action movie that made Tom Cruise an international sensation, was released in American theatres.


(May 16, 2019)
I.M. Pei, a Chinese-American architect noted for his massive, elegantly planned metropolitan buildings and complexes, died at the age of 102.

(Died on May 16, 2021)
Bruno Covas, Brazilian lawyer, politician (b.1980).

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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May 01: Fun Facts about Today in History

May 17: Fun Facts about Today in History