Today in History |
On April 8, learn about the most interesting events and historical facts from across history. The 98th day of the Gregorian calendar is April 8th; it commemorates President Harry Truman’s order to seize all domestic steel mills in order to avoid the 1952 steel strike, as well as a test flight for NASA’s Gemini 1 spacecraft.
Aries is the zodiac sign for April 8th. Biz Markie, Robin Wright, Patricia Arquette, and Matthew Healy are all born on April 8th. The 8th of April is also National Empanada Day. (April 08) (April 08, 1973) (April 08, 1990) (April 08, 2003) (April 08, 2013) (Died on April 08, 2015)
Most Buddhists in Japan commemorate the birth of the Buddha on this day, who lived in India between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE and founded Buddhism.
In Mougins, France, Pablo Picasso, possibly the most important artist of the twentieth century, died.
Ryan White, a national symbol in the United States after contracting AIDS as a result of a blood transfusion administered to treat his haemophilia, died.
Springtails (Collembola), long assumed to be among the earliest insect relatives, were discovered to have developed from a distinct group that existed before crustaceans and insects separated.
Margaret Thatcher, the first woman prime minister of the United Kingdom (and Europe) (1979–90) and the first British prime minister to win three terms in the twentieth century, died in London.
Jean-Claude Turcotte, Canadian cardinal (b. 1936).
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