
July 27: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

Learn about the most intriguing events and historical facts that occurred on July 27 throughout history. The 208th day of the Gregorian calendar is July 27th. The Department of Foreign Affairs, which later became the State Department, was founded by Congress in 1789. Orville Wright set the record for the loneliest fight in 1909. In 1974, Congress requested that President Richard Nixon be impeached.

Leo is the zodiac sign for July 27. On this day, Alex Rodriguez and Jerry Van Dyke were born. On July 27th, National Creme Brûlée Day and National Scotch Day are commemorated.


(July 27, 1890)
Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch painter, commits suicide at Auvers-sur-Oise and dies two days later from his wounds. photo source:


(July 27, 1921)
Researchers at the University of Toronto, led by biochemist Frederick Banting, have demonstrated that the hormone insulin is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels in humans.

Happy Birthday! (July 27, 1963)
Donnie Yen, Chinese-Hong Kong actor, director, producer, and martial artist. photo source:

(July 27, 1963)
The Puijo observation tower atop Puijo Hill in Kuopio, Finland, is now open to the public.

(July 27, 1996)
An explosive pipe bomb detonates at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, United States, during the 1996 Summer Games.

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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