
December 30: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

Learn about the most intriguing events and historical facts that occurred on December 30 throughout history. Capricorn is the zodiac sign for December 30. LeBron James (1984) and Tiger Woods (1984) are two famous people that were born on this day (1975).


(December 30, 1922)
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which was founded on this day in 1922 and had its capital in Moscow, eventually grew to include 15 republics and was the world's largest country (by area) until it was disbanded in 1991. photo source:


(December 30, 1975)
Tiger Woods, an American golfer, was born. He was the first player to win the game's four major tournaments in a row (the Masters, the US Open, the British Open, and the PGA Championship). photo source:

(December 30, 1984)
LeBron James, a superstar in the National Basketball Association, was born. photo source:

(December 30, 2014)
At the age of 104, German-born actress Luise Rainer, the first person to win acting Academy Awards twice, passed away. photo source:

(December 30, 2017)
Erica Garner, American civil rights activist (b. 1990). photo source:

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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