
Fun Facts about Bagaraatan

Bagaraatan was a tiny theropod with a narrow, short head. Lower leg bones, caudal vertebrae, a fragmented lower jaw, and portions of the pelvis and femurs are among the items discovered.

Bagaraatan was discovered in what is now Mongolia, where it lived during the Late Cretaceous period about 70 million years ago. Bagaraatan was around 10 to 13 feet long and 3 feet tall at the waist. This increased its size to that of the largest Deinonychus specimens. The discovery is an adult fossil. The precise attribution of the Bagaraatan is contested due to the poor preservation of the remnants.

Bagaraatan. (photo source: karkemish00/

Find out more interesting facts about Bagaraatan dinosaur.

1: Bagaraatan quick facts:

Name: Bagaraatan (Greek for “Small Hunter”); pronounced Ba-ga-raa-tan
When it lived: Late Cretaceous, 70 million years ago
Type of dinosaur: Small Theropod
Location: Mongolia
Habitat: Terrestrial habitats.
Length/Weight: 3-4 meter/NA
Diet: Carnivorous
Distinguishing Characteristics: Tiny, bird-like dinosaur with a thin skull.
Named by: Osmolska (1996)

2: How do you pronounce ‘Bagaraatan’?

The name Bagaraatan  should be pronounced “Ba-ga-raa-tan.”

3: What does the name Bagaraatan mean?

Bagaraatan’s general name means “little hunter,” and it is named for Dr. John H. Ostrom. It is derived from the Mongolian words ‘baga’, which means “little,” and ‘araatan,’ which means “predator.”

4: What Did Bagaraatan Look Like?

Bagaraatan. (photo source: Robinson Kunz)

The postcranial skeleton of the Bagaraatan was comparable to those of birds, although the skull revealed characteristics of multiple theropod taxa. Its caudal vertebrae are securely fused, hence restricting horizontal and vertical movement, resulting in a highly rigid but muscular tail. Bagaraatan’s head and hindlimbs are relatively small compared to the rest of its body.


Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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