
August 23: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

Learn about the most intriguing events and historical facts that occurred on August 23 throughout history. The 235th day of the Gregorian calendar is August 23. On this day, Napolean I of France left Egypt to head back to France, Japan declared WWI on Germany, and the first flight of the Lockheed C-130 happened.

August 23 is under the sign of Virgo. Kobe Bryant, Jared Fogle, and River Phoenix all have famous birthdays. Cheap Flight Day, Health Unit Coordinators Day, and National Sponge Cake Day all fall on August 23.


(August 23, 1305)
William Wallace was executed for treason on this day in London, sentenced for leading Scottish resistance forces during the early years of the long and ultimately victorious campaign to free Scotland from English domination.


Happy Birthday! (August 23, 1754)
Louis XVI of France. photo source:

(August 23, 1978)
Kobe Bryant, one of the NBA's top players in the early twenty-first century, was born in Philadelphia.

(August 23, 1991)
The World Wide Web is made publicly available.

(August 23, 2011)
Muammar Qaddafi's four-decade dictatorship in Libya came to an end when revolutionary troops captured his Tripoli compound; although his whereabouts were initially unclear, he was discovered and killed two months later in the Libyan city of Surt.

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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