Today in History |
On August 12, learn about the most interesting historical events and facts that occurred throughout history. The Gregorian calendar’s 224th day is August 12th. Thomas Edison made the first recording on this day in 1877. Pavel Popovich was sent into orbit by the Soviet Union in 1962. IBM debuted their first personal computer in 1982.
The 12th of August falls under the sign of Leo. On August 12th, Erwin Schrödinger, Casey Affleck, and Cara Delevingne were born. International Youth Day is observed on this day. Happy Birthday! (August 12, 1762) (August 12, 1883) (August 12, 1960) (August 12, 1964) (August 12, 1981)
George IV of the United Kingdom.
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The last quagga dies at the Amsterdam, Netherlands zoo Natura Artis Magistra.
NASA successfully launches Echo 1A, its first communications satellite.
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South Africa has been barred from the Olympic Games as a result of its discriminatory policies.
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The IBM Personal Computer is initially stocked in retailers. The IBM PC or IBM 5150 computer had no disc drives and cost approximately $1500.
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