
April 10: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

On April 10, learn about the most interesting events and historical facts from across history. The 10th of April is the 100th day of the Gregorian calendar; it is the anniversary of the Titanic’s maiden voyage and the first publication of The Great Gatsby.

Aries is the zodiac sign for April 10th. Orlando Jones, Sean Avery, Chyler Leigh, Mandy Moore, and Shay Mitchell are all born on April 10th. National Hug Your Dog Day and National Siblings Day are both celebrated on April 10th.


(April 10, 1872)
Arbor Day was originally commemorated in Nebraska, with over one million trees planted; afterwards, the event was observed in other US states and nations.


(April 10, 1912)
The RMS Titanic set off on her first journey, which ended in tragedy when the luxury liner collided with an iceberg and sank few days later.

(April 10, 1986)
Halley's Comet has passed through the perigee (point closest to Earth) on its most recent close approach to the planet.

(April 10, 2003)
Vodou was formally recognised as a religion in Haiti.

(Died on April 10, 2015)
Peter Walsh, Australian farmer and politician, 6th Australian Minister for Finance (b. 1935).

(April 10, 2019)
The first image of a black hole, which is at the heart of the huge galaxy M87, was revealed by astronomers.

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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April 01: Fun Facts about Today in History

April 17: Fun Facts about Today in History