
Fun Facts about Koparion

Koparion has only one tooth. This tooth is serrated, with denticles of varying widths on the back and front cutting edges. Only one other known theropod tooth, that of the dromaeosaurid Ricardoestesia, is serrated at the base, but its teeth are bigger. Falcarius’ teeth are similar, but have an outward curved edge.

Discover more about the Koparion.

1: Koparion quick facts:

Name: Koparion (Greek for “Small Surgical Knife”); pronounced Koe-pah-re-on
When it lived: Late Jurassic, 151 million years ago
Type of dinosaur: Small Theropod
Location: USA
Habitat: Terrestrial habitats.
Length/Weight: NA/NA
Diet: Carnivorous
Distinguishing Characteristics: The tooth is most similar to the trodontids.
Named by: Chure (1994)

2: How do you pronounce ‘Koparion’?

The name Koparion  should be pronounced “Koe-pah-re-on.”

3: What does the name Koparion mean?

The term Koparion derives from the Ancient Greek v, meaning “small surgical knife,” in reference to the tooth’s diminutive size. The specific name honours Earl Douglass, who excavated the Dinosaur National Monument quarry in the early twentieth century.

4: What Did Koparion Look Like?

The Koparion teeth was tiny and sharply bent backwards. Both of the edges were serrated. It is distinct from the Morrison Formation’s other theropod teeth. The tooth most closely resembles trodontids, according to the expert, and there is no evidence for theropod in question being in a different evolutionary position.

Koparion. (photo source:

Because Troodontidae teeth are typically regarded as non-diagnostic at the generic level, Koparion can be deemed nomen dubium. However, the Koparion tooth differs structurally from several other triodontides.


Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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