
December 01: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

On December 1, learn about the most interesting events and historical facts that occurred throughout history. The 335th day of the Gregorian calendar is December 1. On this day, Ford Motor Company inaugurates the world’s first moving assembly line, Papua New Guinea gains independence, and World AIDS Day gains international recognition.

Sagittarius rules the 1st of December. Pablo Escobar, Woody Allen, and Bette Midler all have the same birthday. National Christmas Lights Day and World AIDS Day both fall on December 1.


(December 01, 1955)
Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger and was arrested on this day in 1955, in violation of segregation rules in Montgomery, Alabama, igniting a 381-day bus boycott spearheaded by Martin Luther King, Jr. photo source:


(December 01, 1959)
Twelve countries signed the Antarctic Treaty, declaring the continent a demilitarised zone to be safeguarded for scientific research. photo source:

(December 01, 1988)
The United Nations has declared December 1 as World AIDS Day. photo source:

(December 01, 2000)
Vicente Fox Quesada is sworn in as Mexico's president, marking the country's first peaceful transfer of executive federal authority to an opposition political party after a free and democratic election. photo source:

(Died on December 01, 2020)
Arnie Robinson, American athlete (b. 1948).

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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December 02: Fun Facts about Today in History