
Fun Facts about Hexinlusaurus

Hexinlusaurus was a small, agile herbivorous ornithopod first described by He and Cai in 1983 as Yandusaurus multidens. The discovery includes an almost complete cranium and several cervical vertebrae.

While detailing a freshly discovered cranium and skeleton components of much superior quality in 2005, palaeontologists Paul M. Barrett, Richard J. Butler, and Fabien Knoll determined that it was a new genus based on the holotype ZDM T6001 acts and named it Hexinlusaurus.

Learn more fun facts about Hexinlusaurus.

1: Hexinlusaurus quick facts:

Name: Hexinlusaurus (Greek for “He Xin-Lu’s Lizard”); pronounced Hey-zin-loo-sore-us
When it lived: Middle Jurassic, 170-163 million years ago
Type of dinosaur: Ornithopods
Location: China
Habitat: Forest.
Length/Weight: 1.8-2 meter/9kg
Diet: Herbivorous
Distinguishing Characteristics: Small arms and fleet-footed.
Named by: Barrett et al. (2005)

2: How do you pronounce ‘Hexinlusaurus’?

The name Hexinlusaurus  should be pronounced ” Hey-zin-loo-sore-us.”

3: What does the name Hexinlusaurus mean?

The origins of the genus name Hexinlusaurus is a tribute to Professor He Xin-Lu of the Chengdu University of Technology, who originally referred to the specimen as Y. multidens. The second element of the Greek word sauros translates to “lizard.”

4: What Did Hexinlusaurus Look Like?

Hexinlusaurus. (photo source: Joao Boto)

Hexinlusaurus was a hypsilophodont dinosaur, meaning it had two forearms and two hind legs adapted for standing and running quickly. Hexinlusaurus was a small herbivore with swift feet.


Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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