
August 31: Fun Facts about Today in History

Today in History

Learn about the most intriguing events and historical facts that occurred on August 31 throughout history. The Gregorian calendar’s 243rd day is August 31. On this day in history, Thomas Edison invented the first movie projector, Trinidad and Tobago gained independence, and Princess Diana of Wales died in a vehicle accident.

Virgo is the zodiac sign for August 31. Chris Tucker, Van Morrison, and Richard Gere all had famous birthdays. The 31st of August is also National Trail Mix Day.


Happy Birthday! (August 31, 1821)
Hermann von Helmholtz, German physician and physicist. photo source:


(August 31, 1888)
Mary Ann Nichols' mutilated body was discovered in London's East End's Whitechapel district, and many believe she was the first victim of Jack the Ripper.

(August 31, 1895)
Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin of Germany patents his navigable balloon.

(August 31, 1957)
Malaysia Independence Day. photo source:

(August 31, 1997)
In Paris, Princess Diana, her companion Dodi Fayed, and Henri Paul, the driver, all perish in a vehicle accident. photo source:


(August 31, 2006)
Norwegian police raided a residence, where they found The Scream, a painting by Edvard Munch that was stolen in 2004. photo source:

Written by James

James has always been intrigued by dinosaurs, the universe, technology, and animals. With a Bachelor of Computer Science and years of writing expertise, he joined World Amazing Facts in 2021 as a staff writer.

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